服務項目 》Lower Face Contouring
In modern esthetic view, oval face is a preferred face profile. The lower facial profile in front view is determined by bony structure (lower jaw, or mandible) and masseter muscle which is attached on lateral side of lower jaw. There are two ways of treating square face. One is bone surgery, which shaves the mandible angle. The other is Botox injection to masseter muscle to shrink the thickness of masseter. Below right show the result of mandible angle reduction. Botox injection is a less invasive way to slim face. Botox can reduce the thickness of masseter muscle. The thicker the masseter muscle, the higher the dose. The effect of slimming face is more obvious in people with thick muscle. But the effect lasts about 6 months. Below show the location of masseter and the result after Botox injection (below right is after injection) . |
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Bone surgery can correct people with prominent zygoma. The other way is fat injection into depressed cheek or temple. It is less injection and less risky. Below show the result of fat injection. |
Q : 覺得自己印堂周圍的眉骨太凸了,想磨低,平一些,感覺比較柔和,聽說很多神經通過那裡,手術以後過段時間會恢復正常嗎?這是磨骨還是什麼的手術?
A : 如果嫌自已的眉骨太突,是可以考慮削骨手術。在解剖上,內側眉骨是空的,骨頭是薄的,裏面是空腔(額竇)。外側眉骨是實心的,可以做削骨。有一些神經會通過眉骨,術後可能頭皮部位有一些麻麻的(是暫時的)。將鼻子隆高是另外一種考慮,它可以平衡眉骨的突出。用自體脂肪打在凹陷處也有修飾眉骨的效果。
Q : 我是男生眉骨靠近眼頭的部分有比較突出,請問醫生,如果這個部位的磨骨手術後,磨平一點,給別人看起來是什麼感覺啊?
A : 這部份的突起常常是因為額竇(薄薄的骨頭下是空腔)所造成,這部份不能做削骨。也有可能是皺眉肌太發達造成的,可以打肉毒桿菌素減少肌肉的收縮。
如果你有其他問題,可以寄到 service@LRclinic.com.tw 我們會儘快答覆你。有關手術費用的問題,因為採取的手術方式得看過診後才可以得知,請不要透過網路詢價。